2010 Nominating Committee - Milwaukee Branch of the NAACP


This website was created on September 28, 2010.

It is committed to transparency, best practices, customer care, truth-telling and Accountability.

It was created for the purpose of honoring the NAACP brand, fighting for "human" and "civil rights".

Mary Glass, the Creator of this site, was Suspended as a Member of the NAACP on November 1, 2010, after 83 days of membership. She was suspended on "trumped-up" and "misrepresented" charges.

She was the "elected" Secretary of the 2010 Nominating Committee for the Milwaukee Branch of the NAACP Election.

We feel it is an honor to serve the tenets of the civil rights and human rights movement . We also feel that the NAACP has failed in its commitment to its Membership by the issues mentioned on this website.

We abhor cover-up, malfeasance, misfeasance, arrogance and misuse of power, desecration of the brand name of civil rights and human rights that was found at our local level during the administration of President Jerry Ann Hamilton - Milwaukee, places like Houma, LA, St. Petersbury, FL, Boston, MA and at the national level; no matter who you are.

This is especially true of the NAACP - A brand that represents blood, sweat, tears, dreams deferred and death.

Therefore, OPERATION RE-BOOT, Accountability Matters - "getting-its-house-in-order" is a priority.

* President Jerry Ann Hamilton - Milwaukee
* President/CEO Ben Jealous
* Chief Operating Officer and Chief of Staff Roger C. Vann

* National Director of Unit Capacity Building Rev. Gill Ford
* Chairwoman Roslyn Brock

* Vice Chairman Leon W. Russell
* Secretary Laura Blackburne

* Treasurer Jesse Turner, Jr.

64-Members of the National Board


My office calls for and will actively work to ensure that the NAACP elected-appointed-hired representatives "lead-by-example" with "principle-centered" leadership.

I ask that you JOIN US by letting us know of abnormalities YOU and/or others have encountered through the wrongful Election, Membership Suspension, Expulsion and Article X process; as well as, electorial interferences, financial irregularies, corporate sponsors, Freedom Fund Dinners and other suspicious practices that usurp the rights of the paid members of the NAACP and those they represent as a race.

Visit this website for updates, surveys, polls and sharing comments through our email:


Keep coming back!

Mary Glass - Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association [MPA]
* Suspended Member of the NAACP - Notified, November 12, 2010

* Past 2010 Elected Nominating Committee Secretary - Milwaukee Branch of the NAACP

Email: 2010nominatingcommittee@gmail.com

Website: http://www.2010nominatingcommittee.blogspot.com/

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Letter to the President-Elect James Hall

December 2, 2010, Milwaukee, WI, Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association took the opportunity to wish President-Elect James Hall and his cabiner the best.

Some of the points shared were:

December 2, 2010

TO:         President-Elect James Hall
                National Association for the Advancement of Colored People-NAACP
                Milwaukee Branch

                Milwaukee Professionals Association [MPA]


Congratulation President-Elect Hall!

Here’s to a successful administration. 

Yesterday, December 1, 2010, we are reminded of a courageous pioneer in Social Justice, Rosa Louise McCauley Parks.  Her footprints demanded civil and human rights on Thursday, December 1, 1955.  As a result, a protest-boycott ensued for one year and 19 days - The Montgomery Bus Boycott.  It galvanized the African American community in Montgomery, raised the conscious level across the country; and, ended with African Americans winning a U.S. Supreme Court decision declaring bus segregation was unconstitutional. 

Ms. Rosa’s refusal-to-give-up her seat on that day, at that time, sparked revolutionary change.
 It is this type of leadership and BOLDNESS that is needed in Milwaukee.  The People, residential-commercial- industrial-social-government stakeholders, need to “hook-up” to a mind-set, paradigm that has ACTION fizz, BUY-IN and ROLL-CALL accountability.

The day has passed for passing the buck, slap-hand and smoke-screen rhetoric.  We must link and say, if it is to be, it starts and end with me.

I would bet that your plate is being filled rather quickly with ideas, proposals, deals, shams, scams and an array of possibilities.

I ask that, ALL (individual, group and elected-hired-appointed government representative) input be placed in an “accountability sieve” and thoroughly scrutinized on the merits of how they stack up with overcoming disparity, concentrated poverty, a negative image, under- and un-employment, education and technology voids, health deficits, and de facto discrimination of residential and commercial stakeholders at the “neighborhood-level” in Milwaukee. 

Here are some specifics MPA is offering for you and your cabinet - officers and executive board .  It is meant to be an ALL HANDS ON DECK, WE, Not Me support.  They are:

THAT, YOU and your cabinet remember always that we seek unquenchable leadership in “civil” and “human” rights.

THAT, YOU and your cabinet adopt a principled-centered leadership Code of Ethics that includes:
-   accountability and grievance process
-   best practices                                                              
-   civility
-   customer-care
-   “daily” accountability
-   engaged/accountable MEMBERSHIP 
-   informed officers and Board                 
-   informed MEMBERSHIP                          
-   keeping “HOPE” alive                                               
-   lead-by-example
-   Milwaukee county wide outreach      
-   open communication               
-   protocol         
-   recording your history
-   spokesperson for branch                        
-   state-of-the-art communication          
-   transparency trailblazing                         
-   truth-telling                                                

THAT YOU and your cabinet, conduct a thorough “housecleaning” prior to “housekeeping”.

THAT, your initiatives-plans-programs come with the knowledge of 90% buy-in of your cabinet and at least ¾ buy-in of your membership – realizing that your honeymoon time will be one of the best time to gain buy-in.

THAT, YOU and your cabinet are deeply engaged in “communicating” with each other, “training” yourselves and passing it on to membership, donors, volunteers and well-wishers.

THAT, YOU quickly select your Parliamentarian/Sergeant-at-arms representatives to keep your meeting flowing with synergy that is courteous, timely and in-order.

THAT, YOU and your cabinet provide “introductory” BIOs on the website and photos – one paragraph.

THAT, YOU and your cabinet select and announce your 2-year and 6-year GOALS for Milwaukee’s increase in “REGISTERED VOTERS”.

THAT, YOU and your cabinet’s leadership is visible to the public; this includes holding yourselves, elected officials, leaders of Milwaukee, membership and the People’s feet to the fire.

THAT, outreach of the NAACP equals STRENGTH – necessary changes to un-trap Milwaukeeans from Concentrated Poverty, high voter registration, provide bottom-up Recovery, wealth-building, infrastructure-sustainability, empowerment laws for economic development for neighborhood-level entrepreneurs rather than empowerment of neighboring villages, towns, cities and counties; i.e., Waukesha, West Bend, West Allis, Madison, Winneconne, WI, Franklin, Oak Creek, Wauwatosa, Beloit, Racine.

THAT, YOU and your cabinet remember that your “nucleus” consists of the approximately 600,000 folk in the City of Milwaukee, with an emphasis on the inclusiveness of People of Color taxpayers.
It is important to remember that these are the folk that should be “at-your-back” and they are looking for unquenchable leadership.  Do not let yourself down by failing to train, engage, act and lead.

THAT, your monitoring includes oversight of those who have received government funding, especially ARRA-American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Stimulus funding to ensure that they are carrying their load in replacing the high unemployment and academic empowerment for African Americans, People of Color and the Work-Challenged in Milwaukee.  This is especially true for government agencies, social agencies, private schools (Marquette, Alverno, Cardinal Stritch, Concordia, Medical College of WI, Kaplan, Bryant and Stratton, Everest, public schools (Milwaukee Public Schools, Milwaukee Area Technical College and University of Wisconsin – System) and health care sites.

THAT, NO deals are cut with local-state-national politicians, only partnerships for your constituents.

THAT, a special criteria and county-community-wide liaison is put in place at the main office and shared with elected officials and the electorate that will call for “ROLL CALL VOTE“ accountability of all who are elected and represent Milwaukee (local-state-federal).  This includes a 6-month NAACP Report Card.

THAT, “partnerships” are measured against what you and your cabinet have agreed and presented to the membership and public.  We, the People should be kept informed, kept engaged in the goals; and, “not surprised”.

MPA is here to assist where possible.  My office’s commitment to Social Justice did not start with the membership of the NAACP on August 10, 2010, nor did it end with my suspension on November 1, 2010.

SOCIAL JUSTICE is part of my “home-training/breeding/DNA” . 

I chose to offer services to and through the NAACP.  Therefore, the drum major in me, will continue to march for justice -  that includes making the NAACP honor its brand, “civil” and “human” rights – whether a member OR not.

YOU take the time to share with President-Elect Hall and his cabinet your concerns; and, let's roll up our sleeves for plenty of work with high standards.

Mary Glass

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