2010 Nominating Committee - Milwaukee Branch of the NAACP


This website was created on September 28, 2010.

It is committed to transparency, best practices, customer care, truth-telling and Accountability.

It was created for the purpose of honoring the NAACP brand, fighting for "human" and "civil rights".

Mary Glass, the Creator of this site, was Suspended as a Member of the NAACP on November 1, 2010, after 83 days of membership. She was suspended on "trumped-up" and "misrepresented" charges.

She was the "elected" Secretary of the 2010 Nominating Committee for the Milwaukee Branch of the NAACP Election.

We feel it is an honor to serve the tenets of the civil rights and human rights movement . We also feel that the NAACP has failed in its commitment to its Membership by the issues mentioned on this website.

We abhor cover-up, malfeasance, misfeasance, arrogance and misuse of power, desecration of the brand name of civil rights and human rights that was found at our local level during the administration of President Jerry Ann Hamilton - Milwaukee, places like Houma, LA, St. Petersbury, FL, Boston, MA and at the national level; no matter who you are.

This is especially true of the NAACP - A brand that represents blood, sweat, tears, dreams deferred and death.

Therefore, OPERATION RE-BOOT, Accountability Matters - "getting-its-house-in-order" is a priority.

* President Jerry Ann Hamilton - Milwaukee
* President/CEO Ben Jealous
* Chief Operating Officer and Chief of Staff Roger C. Vann

* National Director of Unit Capacity Building Rev. Gill Ford
* Chairwoman Roslyn Brock

* Vice Chairman Leon W. Russell
* Secretary Laura Blackburne

* Treasurer Jesse Turner, Jr.

64-Members of the National Board


My office calls for and will actively work to ensure that the NAACP elected-appointed-hired representatives "lead-by-example" with "principle-centered" leadership.

I ask that you JOIN US by letting us know of abnormalities YOU and/or others have encountered through the wrongful Election, Membership Suspension, Expulsion and Article X process; as well as, electorial interferences, financial irregularies, corporate sponsors, Freedom Fund Dinners and other suspicious practices that usurp the rights of the paid members of the NAACP and those they represent as a race.

Visit this website for updates, surveys, polls and sharing comments through our email:


Keep coming back!

Mary Glass - Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association [MPA]
* Suspended Member of the NAACP - Notified, November 12, 2010

* Past 2010 Elected Nominating Committee Secretary - Milwaukee Branch of the NAACP

Email: 2010nominatingcommittee@gmail.com

Website: http://www.2010nominatingcommittee.blogspot.com/

Saturday, July 30, 2011

SMILEY & WEST - The Poverty Tour, August 6-12, 2011

We are proud to see Broadcaster/Host of Tavis Smiley Show - PBS and Dr. Cornel West join together in raising the conscience spirit of America to the disease of POVERTY.

To hear a video that "Speaks the truth by Tavis", go to:

For information about the POVERTY TOUR, go to:

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Drum Major for Justice - Dr. Martin L. King

                                                 Happy Birthday - Dr. Martin Luther King
                                                                Drum Major for Justice
It is befitting that I and the world remember this day and honor the name of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - The Drum Major of Justice.

Not only do I honor the name but I call upon the ideas, values, principles, quotes, and beliefs that are so much need in today's society of BITTERNESS, discrimination, bigotry, FEAR and misguided anger.

For African Americans, other People of Color, Work-Challenged and ALL ethnicities, he called for your intelligence, moral will, love, character and willingness to be an adovocate for what is right, even if you have to stand alone.  And, you will "standalone" - However, there is a connecting dot, if you are willing to carry the banner, the idea, the discourse to another level, another place and/or another person (s).

Annual Commitment
So, today, Mary Glass, re-commit to another year of vigorous advocacy for the payment of the check that has been sent back NSF - insufficent funding for quality of life and economic development (civil-human and legal rights) of African Americans and all who are disenfranchised on a daily and "in-your-face" way - It allows the default to continue.  We must step up an Call for Service and demand justice - to call for accountability of the Emancipation Proclamation of our uninalienable rights.  The check that Dr. King spoke about on August 28, 1963 in Washington, DC - in his I Have a Dream Speech.
Click the links below and introduce or refresh your memory.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Glass creates NAACP "Suspenders" Network Website - Members and Branches

Milwaukee, WI - On December 22, 2010, Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association, elected 2010 Nominating Committee Secretary-Milwaukee Branch and NAACP Suspended Member (November 1, 2010, after 83 days of membership), launched a NEW website for gathering of information, data, specifics regarding the suspension of branch members, branch officers, entire branches and recalled elections.

After being suspended by the National President-CEO, Ben Jealous for "trumped-up" and "misrepresentation", Glass set out to investigate the bizarre behavior of Jealous and the national leaders; especially since numerous correspondence to Jealous and Chairwoman Roslyn Brock failed to get a "civil-courteous" reply.

Glass investigation immediately revealed similar "arbitrary and capricious" behavior with no regard for members rights; or, the brand of the NAACP- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. In fact, the questionable and sometimes thuggish behavior by hired staff - Roger Vann, Chief of Staff and Rev. Glenn Ford - National staff member was repeated in other cities across the United States. The "lawless" behavior by Vann and Ford was compounded by a similar pattern of lock-step behavior of local branch presidents, state officers and regional officers. The pattern of behavior harvested members of branches, elected members of branches (nominating committee, supervisory committee, branch officers and at-large executive board members) and entire branches being suspended with a dictatorial redress and disregard for "human" or "civil" rights.

The pattern revealed "legal" concerns dealing with membership recordkeeping by local and national payments, operation of the incumbent president (being maintained by national), voiding a bona fide election by the members of a branch, taking over elections without cause and the appearance of extortion, vindictive suspension and impromptu suspensions as a means of "stifling free speech", and a guaranteed election by default.

February Forum
In addition to offering a website and email for communication of unacceptable behavior of the national office.

Glass is in the process of organizing the first forum of the year in Milwaukee during Black History Month for to address an ALL HANDS on DECK, WE, Not Me gathering in February, 2011 to address the enduring concentrated poverty and a BOTTOM-Up Recovery program for which many of the areas of the NAACP is lacking leadership.

It is most definitely to collaboratively look at the NAACP national board, the court of public opinion and the U.S. Court system to address the wrongdoings of members of the NAACP and the desecration of the NAACP brand.

Launching www.naacpsuspensionnetwork.blogspot.com is one of the ways to bring together those who have been suspended and/or received wrongdoings from the national office of the NAACP in 2010; as well as, other timeframes. On the website, visitors can complete an online form to share their plight. Additionally, an email is available for more information. It is: 2010naacpsuspensionnetwork@gmail.com.

Friday, December 17, 2010

GLASS CALLS for other NAACP Branches with Suspension

Photos by:  Gregory Stanford

Milwaukee, WI - Glass and VETS for Social Justice protested the 2010 NAACP Election in Milwaukee by marching, chanting and praying on Saturday, November 20, 2010 across the street from Metropolitan Baptist Church, 1345 W. Burleigh

Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association, was suspended by the the national office of the NAACP - National Association for the Advancement Colored People on November 1, 2010 after being a member for 83 days - for following the 2010 NAACP Election Nominating Committee Policies. Glass and 7 other members of the NAACP members have been suspended with "trumped-up" and "misrepresented" causes. The Suspensions were signed by Ben Jealous, President/CEO.

The Suspensions by Jealous have been with a disregard of the NAACP policies for governing.
Glass and other 8 suspended members were given a 15-day window for an Appeal.

Report of Repudiation
Glass, unlike the others, chose to send a Report of Membership Repudiation. In it, she identifies errors, misrepresentation by Jealous, Chairwoman Roslyn Brock and/or the cast of ccs on her suspension. Glass says none of them had presented her with a Membership packet or do's and don'ts for compliance. She also cited inconsistences of the suspension OR "picking-and-choosing" of certain people for suspension. She cited her suspension and the other members of the 2010 Nominating Committee (all 7 Nominating Committee members) as Bogus and Vindictive.
Lastly, she vowed to do her appeal in the "court of public opinion" and the "court of law" - citing members of the national staff as desecrating the brand of the NAACP and placing a stain on the African American race.

Did This Happen to You?
This is one of many CALLS for similar wrongdoings to committed members either running for office, announcing a candidacy in opposition to status quo candidate, disallowing an elected members to conduct business by implementing suspension and/or arbitrary and capricious acts of the appearance of the mafia by Ben Jealous, Roger Vann (chief officer to Jealous) and Rev. Gil Ford across America.

Further, Glass is seeking to create a delegation of participants at the 2011 OPERATION: RE-BOOT Bottom-Up Recovery and Social Justice Conference to be held in Milwaukee. They will address critical quality of life and economic development issues that are creating a wider disparity for People of Color and the Work-Challenged. In addition, the injustices found by the recent and not so recent acts (patterns) caused by the NAACP will also be dealt with.

For contact about your suspension OR irregularities with the national office of the NAACP, contact 2010nominatingcommittee@gmail.com.

Keep coming back for updates on this website - www.2010nominatingcommittee.blogspot.com.

Attorney James Hall on WUWM, Life's Voices

Milwaukee, WI - December 17, 2010, President-Elect James Hall of the NAACP - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People spoke on Life's Voices with LaToya Dennis, WUWM radio. 
His comments were centered around the "inclusiveness" of all in Milwaukee.  He also spoke of the disparity and desire to impact positively the conditions of quality of life and economic development.

To hear the interview, click on below.
Go to Life's Voices: James HallBy LaToya Dennis
December 17, 2010 | WUWM | Milwaukee, WI

Monday, December 6, 2010

B. Smith - entertaining & cooking for friends

B. Smith's Entertaining and Cooking for Friends Book

B. Smith provides great tips for making your home a welcomed retreat for family and friends. Colorful pages are filled with beautiful photographs and easy-to-make recipes for all occasions. Let B. Smith's style and elegance help you make your xmas list - your next event one to remember. 176 pages.

Click below for Amazon's paperback.

Bed & Bath and B. Smith servware