2010 Nominating Committee - Milwaukee Branch of the NAACP


This website was created on September 28, 2010.

It is committed to transparency, best practices, customer care, truth-telling and Accountability.

It was created for the purpose of honoring the NAACP brand, fighting for "human" and "civil rights".

Mary Glass, the Creator of this site, was Suspended as a Member of the NAACP on November 1, 2010, after 83 days of membership. She was suspended on "trumped-up" and "misrepresented" charges.

She was the "elected" Secretary of the 2010 Nominating Committee for the Milwaukee Branch of the NAACP Election.

We feel it is an honor to serve the tenets of the civil rights and human rights movement . We also feel that the NAACP has failed in its commitment to its Membership by the issues mentioned on this website.

We abhor cover-up, malfeasance, misfeasance, arrogance and misuse of power, desecration of the brand name of civil rights and human rights that was found at our local level during the administration of President Jerry Ann Hamilton - Milwaukee, places like Houma, LA, St. Petersbury, FL, Boston, MA and at the national level; no matter who you are.

This is especially true of the NAACP - A brand that represents blood, sweat, tears, dreams deferred and death.

Therefore, OPERATION RE-BOOT, Accountability Matters - "getting-its-house-in-order" is a priority.

* President Jerry Ann Hamilton - Milwaukee
* President/CEO Ben Jealous
* Chief Operating Officer and Chief of Staff Roger C. Vann

* National Director of Unit Capacity Building Rev. Gill Ford
* Chairwoman Roslyn Brock

* Vice Chairman Leon W. Russell
* Secretary Laura Blackburne

* Treasurer Jesse Turner, Jr.

64-Members of the National Board


My office calls for and will actively work to ensure that the NAACP elected-appointed-hired representatives "lead-by-example" with "principle-centered" leadership.

I ask that you JOIN US by letting us know of abnormalities YOU and/or others have encountered through the wrongful Election, Membership Suspension, Expulsion and Article X process; as well as, electorial interferences, financial irregularies, corporate sponsors, Freedom Fund Dinners and other suspicious practices that usurp the rights of the paid members of the NAACP and those they represent as a race.

Visit this website for updates, surveys, polls and sharing comments through our email:


Keep coming back!

Mary Glass - Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association [MPA]
* Suspended Member of the NAACP - Notified, November 12, 2010

* Past 2010 Elected Nominating Committee Secretary - Milwaukee Branch of the NAACP

Email: 2010nominatingcommittee@gmail.com

Website: http://www.2010nominatingcommittee.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Risk Management Coming to the Milwaukee Branch of the NAACP

by:   Mary Glass

Train wrecks in organizations happen every day.  Our news media make a living on same when talking about personal affairs, personalities, leaders, politicians, celebrities, wealthy individuals, etc.  However, business professionals and those who want to protect the IMAGE and/or BRAND of the organization seek logical steps/processes/approaches to minimize and/or eliminate risk that may be associated with:
Ø  Compliance.........Mission, Vision, Bylaws, U.S. law and Constitution
Ø  Customer Care....Membership, Perspective Members, Donors, Public
Ø  Financial..............Membership, Donors (public and private) and Public support
Ø  Investment..........Staff, Time and Programs
Ø  Market.................Member-Public-Neighborhood-City/State/Region/National
Ø  Operation............Officers (8), Executive Committee, Staff and Volunteers
Milwaukee Branch
The Milwaukee Branch of the NAACP has gone too far and stayed too long.  Therefore, it will take significant overhaul to “get the house in order”.  

From the initial review, there is plenty of blame to spread around.  Blame due to lack of knowledge (officers, executive committee, membership, state and national staff-officers).

Blame due to knowledge of; but, failed to call for accountability (officers, executive committee, membership, state and national staff-officers).

Blame due to lack of communication (officers, executive committee, membership, state and national staff-officers)

Blame due to lack of training, transparency, best practices, truth-telling, accountability and following bylaws, mission, vision and ethical conduct.

NOW, it is at a crescendo – massive train wreck stage and lacking in defense with core values in place.  Strategies of the business model is badly flawed and those who knew OR should have known are into “cover-up”, misrepresenting the truth, complicity in bullying and bias Code of Conduct, denial, massive fear; and paralysis.

Whereas, the initial instinct is to squash and do damage control, Risk Management must begin here.  Yes. It will mean identifying the threats, strengths, opportunities and weaknesses in the exposure.  It is to simultaneously adopt a winning hand of support of the membership to reduce some of the damage now and long-term that can abuse the growth of membership, branch and organization.

It is your MOVE President Ben Jealous and Chairwoman Roslyn Brock.  Here’s where you earn your title, strength, positive reputation and delivering the NAACP over a difficult time. 

A time that if you continue to exhibit a Code of Conduct that is “risky” and appear deceptive, arrogant, disrespectful, lacking in transparency, lacking in best practices, lacking in sensitivity for concerns given to you by the Milwaukee Branch membership, appearing bias with bullying as a solution, lacking in principle-centered leadership, failing to respond timely to inquiries will yield an avoidable Big train wreck in the public domain.

Risk Management can be an extremely complicated endeavor by failing to do the basics in collaborations, communication – TALKING for solution-building and building TRUST.  We can turn this unfortunate situation into a HUGE opportunity for the Milwaukee Branch and our entire NAACP organization. 

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